A dream-come-true collaboration of  two of the leading figures in contemporary music today. The ‘ Amity ‘ Duet,  inspired through Friendship, Peace , Harmony and Mutual understanding. Makoto Ozone and Avishai Cohen, are both unique creators of jazz in the world today with substantial paths and careers forged, who are also both closely intertwined to belated jazz legend Chick Corea. They will join forces presenting a series of  intimate acoustic performances  throughout the globe during 2023 - 2024.

Amity Duet 小曽根真×アヴィシャイ・コーエン WORLD TOUR

現代音楽シーンを率いる小曽根真とアヴィシャイ・コーエンによる夢のコラボレーション 「Amity Duet」が誕生。Amityとは友情、平和、ハーモニーそして相互理解をあらわす言葉。日本とイスラエルが修好70年を迎えた今、夢のduetが世界へむけて始動します。巨匠チック・コリアとの交流も深く、今日のジャズ界で名実ともに卓越した存在としてその名を馳せつつも、果てなき創造を続けるふたりのレジェンドが2023年から2024年にかけて世界各地でインティメートなアコースティック・パフォーマンスで至高の音楽を届けていきます。

'Ever since I heard Avishai for the first time, making music with him someday has been my dream. Now I am finally getting to play with him. I can’t describe how excited I am to find out, what it feels like to be in the world of music written by true genius.  This is my chance to gain and grow again. I simply can’t wait!'' - Makoto Ozone

「アヴィシャイの音楽を初めて聴いて以来、いつか彼と一緒に音楽を奏でることを夢見てきました。真の天才の音楽世界に身をおくことを考えると、興奮がとまりません。自分にとってもふたたび学び成長するチャンスになると思います。待ちきれないです!」 小曽根 真

‘’I’m very excited teaming up with Makoto Ozone! Makoto has a rare kind of command on piano mastering both classical and jazz abilities which to me is the perfect combination.’’  Avishai Cohen

「Makoto Ozoneとタグを組むことをとても楽しみにしています。Makotoは自由自在にピアノを操れる稀有な存在。そして、クラシックとジャズの両方において、卓越した能力をマスターしています。僕にとってこれ以上のコンビネーションはありません!」 アヴィシャイ・コーエン

$20 Minimum Per Person
Full Bar & Dinner Menu

  • All seating is first come, first served. 

  • Table Seating is all ages, Bar Area is 21+. Bar Area tickets for patrons under 21 will not be honored. 

Group Reservations:

  • Groups larger than 10 must purchase a group package at, or by calling 212.475.8592.

  • Groups larger than 10 without a group package will be subject to group surcharges added to your bill. 

  • Groups arriving late or separately are not guaranteed to be seated together. All seating is first come, first served. Arrive early for best seats.

Tickets for Blue Note New York shows are only available for purchase on Ticketweb. We are not affiliated with any third-party sellers. Tickets purchased on third-party sites will not be honored. The credit card used for original purchase of tickets will be required at the door upon entry.

Thu, Aug 31 8:00 PM (Doors 6:00 PM)

Thu, Aug 31 10:30 PM (Doors 10:00 PM)

Fri, Sep 1 8:00 PM (Doors 6:00 PM)

Fri, Sep 1 10:30 PM (Doors 10:00 PM)

Sat, Sep 2 8:00 PM (Doors 6:00 PM)

Sat, Sep 2 10:30 PM (Doors 10:00 PM)

Sun, Sep 3 8:00 PM (Doors 6:00 PM)

Sun, Sep 3 10:30 PM (Doors 10:00 PM)

Avishai Cohen


Avishai Cohen, born in Kabri, Israel on April 20th, 1970, grew up in a multicultural family whose roots were found in Spain, Greece and Poland. At home, music was always in the air, with his mother Ora, an artistic influence, listening to both classical and traditional music. Avishai’s musical journey began when he was nine years old, when he began playing the piano. After moving to St. Louis, Missouri with his family aged fourteen, he continued to study the piano and began to play the bass guitar. The electric bass put a spell on him when his teacher introduced him to the music of luminary bassist Jaco Pastorius. Back in Israel, Avishai joined the Music and Arts Academy in Jerusalem to further explore the bass universe. At the age of 22, having served for two years in an army band, he decided to take a big step and moved to New York City.


イスラエル出身の世界的ベーシスト、歌手、作曲家。1998年に自身のファーストアルバム『Adama』を発表して以来、ボーダーレスな活躍をしてきたアヴィシャイは、近年は自己のトリオや、クラシックのプロジェクト「Two Roses」,「An Evening with Avishai Cohen」などで世界各地でコンサート活動をおこなうほか、新たなプロジェクトやレコーディングに注力している。25年の活動期間を経てコンテンポラリー・ジャズの重鎮のひとりとなった。アヴィシャイの魅力的なライヴ・パフォーマンス、独特のサウンド、そして音楽的なステートメントは、世界各地でも情熱的なファンを生み続け、ボーダレスなコンポーザーそして音楽的なインフルエンサーとして注目を集め続けている。


Makoto Ozone

小曽根 真

Makoto Ozone graduated from Berklee College of Music in 1983. The same year, he gave a solo recital atCarnegie Hall in New York City, becoming the first Japanese musician to be exclusively signed to CBS, with the worldwide release of his debut album OZONE.His stellar career has brought him a Grammy nomination in 2003, and Makoto has constantly been in the forefront of the international jazz scene, recording and touring with such greats as Gary Burton, Chick Corea, Gonzalo Rubalcaba, Paquito D'Rivera, Arturo Sandoval, Elis Marsalis, Branford Marsalis, Jeff “Tain” Watts, and many others. In 2004, he formed the "No Name Horses" big band in Japan. The band has been performing successfully in Japan and all over the globe ever since.

In recent years, Makoto has also been focusing on works from the classical music repertoire, playing concertos by Bernstein, Mozart, Rachmaninov, and Prokofiev, with major orchestras both in Japan and abroad. Such performances have been highly acclaimed by the press;North Germany Hannover "the audience was fascinated and struck with awe at Ozone’s unparalleled performance."


1983年バークリー音大を首席で卒業。同年米CBSと日本人初のレコード専属契約を結び、全世界デビュー。2003年グラミー賞ノミネート。パキート・デリヴェラ、ゲイリー・バートン、ブランフォード・マルサリスなど世界的なプレイヤーとの共演や、ビッグ・バンドの活動など、ジャズの最前線で活躍。また、NYフィル、サンフランシスコ響、NDRエルプフィルハーモニー管弦楽団など国内外のオーケストラとも共演を重ねる。2016年にはチック・コリアとNHK交響楽団定期演奏会に出演、また日本各地でデュオ公演を展開。2021年には還暦を迎え、「OZONE 60」と題したプロジェクトを全国47都道府県で催行し成功を収めた。平成30年度紫綬褒章受章。

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